Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I love lists... but God doesnt...

I’m getting a new perspective... a perspective of love, a desire to please out of want not duty... this is something I struggle with, not that I don’t love God with everything in me but I’m a person who loves lists... for me its easier to follow a list of dos and don’ts, I like when someone is like this is what you HAVE to do, I’m a horrible decision maker so in general I like when others make decisions for me but in my walk with God that just doesn’t work because our relationship with God is a one on one thing that others cant decide for you and there is no list of dos and don’ts to ensure a perfect Christian walk, everyday were faced with decisions either major or minor that will effect your life… but our relationship with God is a back and forth relationship, like any real friendship its requires give and take, trial and errors and constant learning from one another and that’s what its like with God and with a perception of love but falling in love with our creator and getting closer to him we learn how to make decisions to please him and want to do the things that bring joy to our lives… its not always black and white like lists are because if it was God would have never had to sacrifice his son for the world and life would just be a boring religious experience, because of sacrifice we get the peace, contentment and joy of personally knowing our savior in a freedom his salvation brings and there is nothing greater than that :)

learning to care...

well I’ve been a total slacker! but I’ve had a really good excuse... nursing school is not a nice thing and sucks every ounce of everything you have in you so you have nothing left to give or say when the day is over... but in two weeks it will all be over! praise god! for a year that dragged on I cant believe its really almost over, looking back I cant believe how much I’ve grown and changed and learned so many things about myself and how I see people differently...

haha well see I started an entry but got distracted! hey I'm trying here! but it is my goal to be more focused and faithful about writing as summer comes to an end, I'm hoping to haven't ore time once fall begins... I find it hard to sit down and write when its so beautiful and sunny outside, I need some rainy days to motivate me :) I do have like 5 half written blogs in my journal, I write down little notes when I get inspired or touched by something or when god speaks to me but forming those into something others can read takes a bit of work...

God has been doing so much in my heart this summer... a lot of ironing out and showing me little things I’ve been holding on to that are keeping me from doing all his has in my life... no matter where I am, in church, praying, listening to worship music the message has had a theme this summer "step up, raise the bar, sacrifice and don’t be afraid!" god has held up a mirror to heart and keeps showing me how I can love him more and the sacrifices I need to make to be closer to him... that IS what I’ve been seeking God for but when he actually shows you, your flesh steps in and gets all defensive, trying to justify human nature, I’m so thankful for Gods faithfulness and patience :) because I’ve been saved for a while I think its so easy to get to that comfortable place in your walk with God where you feel safe and secure and kind of hiding from God so he wont ask you for more... that’s where I’ve been for a while cozy in my little nook of Christianity... well I think god decided this little bird needed to be pushed from its nest, not by any major life changing event but by pushing me to make changes in my everyday life, ones that everyone wouldn’t even notice but have made a huge different in my heart and my daily walk God :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

spoken for... are you?

peace like never before... covered by your love devine... this ones mine... To hear God say those words is the most amazing feeling of belonging and protection, almost untouchable in a way. It gives me strength and courage to fight whatever comes my way because I know I have God on my side.
      Being spoken for by God, who satisfies every need makes it unnecessary to look anywhere else for approval or love or joy or contentment, and that brings such a confidence to your life :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

wordy wednesday...

Yay for snow days... they're probably one of my most  favorite things about  winter, they are much more appreciated when your in school (which I am this year) so I'm loving this day off... I should be studying for an exam i have tomorrow I got distracted on Ikea and YouTube and found my way here so decided to add a post because Ive had no time due to my insanely busy life...
Here's a little insight into my life:)

1. Did you have a favorite blanket or toy as a kid? If so, do you still have it?

I had a stuffed puppy dog who I called puppy and yes I still have him although I don't know exactly where he is...

2. Do you dream in color?

Yes I dream in color which I heard is rare but I'm not sure how true that is. Also weirdly my dream almost always make sense and are logical

3. How tall are you? Do you wish you were shorter or taller?

I'm 5'3" and sometimes I wish I was maybe one or two inches taller but I like being short :)

4. If you could have anyone's (celeb or other) voice as the guide on your GPS, who would it be?

I borrowed someones GPS once and it spoke to us in pirate which was hilarious so Ill stick with pirate talk and forget the celebs

5. Do you return your shopping cart to the corral or leave it wherever in the parking lot?

haha it depends on how close my car is parked to the corral and how bad the weather is...

6. What is your favorite Christmas song?

The first Noel, my middle name is Noelle and I got the name because I was born in December

7. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why?

My second grade teacher Mrs. Mecuri, she was the nicest teacher and loved teaching and made everyday exciting...

8. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why?

hmm very hard decision, id like to live in ANY other time era, I hate this one! But if I had to choose Id say the 1940s or 50s, live was so much simpler back then...

9. What is the one thing that you reach for the most in a day (excluding phones and computers)?

Thats a tough one, probably my iced coffee or whatever drink I'm drinking or a pen since I'm always writing...

10. What is the farthest you have been from home?

Kenya, Africa

11. Coke or Pepsi?

Coca cola definitely!!!

12. If you could go back and change anything about your wedding day, what would it be and why?

well I haven't had a wedding day so I cant really answer this question but I will say I want I really simple wedding with beautiful flowers and an outdoor reception if possible :)

13. What's your "comfort food"?

mashed potatoes totally!! They make everything better!

14. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?

I do but they're usually like six months late haha better late than never right?

15. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

Off the Map... perfect mixture of adventure and medicine

wordless wednesdays... my family